Holy Family Traditional Roman Catholic Church
Post Office Box 462
Summerville, SC 29484-0462
(843) 875-9368


Photo © 2022 Holy Family Chapel - Not for public use.
Friday Masses with Exposition, One-Hour Private Adoration, and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament
A Little About Us...
Holy Family Chapel was founded in 1977, in the City of Charleston, SC. The first Mass was offered in November of that year, by the late-Rev. Fr. Hector L. Bolduc. Many years later, in September 2007, with a desire to more accurately reflect and affirm our identity as pre-Vatican II (i.e. traditional) Roman Catholics, our membership unanimously voted to change the name to Holy Family Traditional Catholic Chapel.

Through the generosity of Mr. Robert Zehnder, one of our early founders and supporters, Holy Family was bequeathed a residential property in Summerville which today serves as a permanent location for our chapel and rectory, with plenty of space for future construction and expansion. Mr. Zehnder went to his eternal reward on January 22, 2007, but his memory and legacy will be fondly and graciously remembered by all of us.

In our 40-year existence, Holy Family has maintained a stable and continual presence in the Lowcountry as the oldest independent Roman Catholic congregation in South Carolina. While some of these years had their moments of various difficulties and uncertainties, the members were still resolved to endure the struggle of keeping, maintaining, and practicing, their Roman Catholic faith and heritage. Holy Family has chosen to be an “independent” Roman Catholic congregation because we believe that the modern-day “Catholic” church and its hierarchy abandoned true Catholicism in 1962 with the Reforms of the Second Vatican Council. As an independent Catholic congregation, we wholly reject the changes of the Vatican II Reformation as being both non-Catholic, and anti-Catholic: their leadership continues to permit, accept, and promote the negative influences of liberalism, ecumenism, and the heresy of Modernism. Outside of this particular statement, our website will not be used to debate our beliefs, or the changes forced upon unsuspecting Catholics by the Reforms of the Second Vatican Council.

Of more recent note, within the past ten years, Holy Family has been the only independent Roman Catholic congregation in South Carolina with a full-time priest. This time has been marked with many blessings, which include: daily offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the conversion of souls to Catholicism, “lost” and home-sick Catholics rediscovering their Catholic roots, as well as an increased membership which extends throughout South Carolina, and into Georgia and North Carolina. The members of Holy Family believe that being independent and self-governing affords many benefits and safeguards; for example: the local diocese and bishops of the Reformed catholic Church of Vatican II are denied legal and ecclesiastical jurisdiction to close our church or seize our assets; priests who serve our congregation are free to peacefully offer the only true and valid (Latin) Mass -- as codified by the Council of Trent and Pope St. Pius V’s Papal Bull titled “Quo Primum” -- without the fear of threats or retaliation from any diocese or bishop; members of Holy Family are free to worship as true Catholics, with true and valid Sacraments, in an authentic Catholic Rite of worship: the exclusive use of the pre-Vatican II Latin Mass.

We are what you once were.
We believe what you once believed.
We worship as you once worshipped.
If you were right then, we are right now.
If we are wrong now, you were wrong then.

To learn more about how the Catholic Church has changed - going against
the dogmatic decrees of past Councils and popes - and why we are doing what we do,
please view this youtube video:
What We Have Lost & the Road to Restoration

Mass Times
Schedule of Masses
9:00 am - Low Mass: No Music/Hymns
11:00 am - Low Mass with Music/Hymns
(The 10:30am Mass has been discontinued as of 2025.)

Holy Days of Obligation.
Holy Days occurring on weekdays (Mon. - Sat.), Mass at 7:00 pm.
Holy Days that fall on a Sunday will observe the Sunday Mass time(s) only.

Confessions: Half-hour before Sunday/Holy Day Masses only, or by appointment. The Rosary is prayed before Mass while confessions are heard.

First Fridays and First Saturdays: Mass at 9:00 am.

All Fridays (including First Fridays): 9:00 am Mass, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and one-hour private Adoration (10:00 - 11:00 am)
and ending with Benediction at 11:00 am. Please call 24 hrs. before to confirm.

Other Weekday Masses: Please call the rectory for info.

PLEASE NOTE: There will be No Mass at Holy Family on the 3rd Sunday of each month. On these days, instead, Mass is offered at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Mission Chapel in the Murrells Inlet, SC (Myrtle Beach area).

All of the above publicly advertised Mass times are current and up-to-date. Please call the rectory if you would still like to confirm.
Additional information, if any, can be found in the scrolling message bar that will appear below.

Week-day & Private Masses are celebrated at varying times and may be offered for your intentions.
To submit a Mass intention & stipend, please click on "Mass Intention/Donations" link above.

The traditional Latin Mass, as codified by Pope St. Pius V, in his Papal Bull Quo Primum Tempore is the exclusive and Ordinary Form/Rite of the Roman Catholic Church:
no exceptions, no adaptations, no modernizations, and no compromises!

Contact Us
For More Information, Write or Call:

Holy Family Traditional Catholic Church
Post Office Box 462
Summerville, SC 29484-0462

Rectory Phone: (843) 875-9368

Please leave a message. Anonymous or Blocked numbers will not be answered.

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